• Terry Grotheer

    Please help. Working on amazonia but having trouble following along. P 3 folded pocket 12×12?. Is page 4 ctualky pg 5, can’t find a page that has a 1×11.5 but the flaps seem to match. Love the album. When doing the video are working in order? Will 8×10 photos need to be trimed a little thank

    • caaubin

      I’ll see if I can make it clearer – easiest question first, you can fit 8 x 10 without trimming.
      Page 3 folded pocket – yes, you need a full 12×12 sheet of card stock to make it. I show you in the video what to do with it.
      I think the 11.5 you are referring to is the large flap on page 1? I’m not sure without more context. In the videos I work mostly in order but sometimes I jump around a bit. I always tell you what page I am on though as I go along. Just a heads up that I very rarely even see comments here, I just host the cutting guides here. It’s best to leave a comment on the video or find me on Facebook, either on the Quiet Cat Facebook page or the Scrap n Create Facebook group.